"We may throw the dice, but the Lord determines how they fall"
Proverbs 16:33 Way back in October when we began this blog, our main goal was to make sure that this house was in God's plan. Before every trip to search for a house/plot of land, we prayed over it and asked God to guide us in our decision. The night that we broke ground on our land, we spent a few moments thanking the Almighty for His blessings, and asking for His wisdom through the house-building project. We wanted to make sure He was in charge of our hearts, our actions, and our intentions.
Over the past two months, God has brought us through a journey that has opened up our eyes to the extent of His love and provision. Through the middle of chaos and confusion, His continual Presence in our lives has given us peace about the future. In the words of Homer, "I know not what the future holds, but I know who holds the future."
It pains me to say this, but in reflection of events that have happened since the New Year, Adam and I will be putting the house building on hold. God has put us on a path that may not include us staying in the town that has become our home. In time, He will reveal His will to us, but for now we are waiting patiently to see what blessings he has for us around the corner. We ask for your prayers during this time as we seek God's will for our lives, wherever His will may take us.
I don't know
About tomorrow
I just live from day to day
And I don't borrow from its sunshine
For its skies may turn to gray
And I don't worry about my future
For I know what Jesus said
And today He walks beside me
For He knows what lies ahead
Many things about tomorrow
I don't seem to understand
But I know, I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand