This is rebar.
Hello, Mr. Rebar. Nice to meetcha!
The topic of rebar is not an unfamiliar one, as I married into an excavation family and dinnertime conversations at the in-laws usually center around machinery and construction and other foreign topics that I don't even try to understand. But seeing as I normally tune out such manly men discussions, I couldn't have told you what rebar actually was to save my life. The word could have meant anything, from a joist to a tool to [insert a fancy machinery term].
Raise your hand if you think rebar reminds you of a candy bar. Something chocolatey and caramely and ooey gooey with lots of nuts and some nougat thrown in.
Nougat bar.
I think I'm noticing the similarities. And getting hungry.
The day this load of rebar showed up on our property with a $900 price tag hanging off of it, I just about gave birth to kittens until P.C. explained to me the utmost importance that rebar (not nougat bar) plays in our home-building future. To put it in layman's term, this rebar is what holds the concrete frames together while they pour the foundation and walls. It basically keeps your house from looking like this:
So on Sunday, while the weather was still nice and warm, P.C. and John spent the day smoothing out the land and preparing it for The Laying of the Rebar.
By Monday night the concrete men (I'm sure there's an official name for them but I can't be bothered by such trivial things) began painstakingly placing the rebar into concrete footings. (Sorry for the poor picture quality; daylight was fading fast.
And then by Wednesday morning after a thunderstorm was completely diverted around the construction site, (thank you God!), the house looked like this:
Coming soon: The Walls!!!